Log in to TTHQ

No registration is required to log in to territorial-hq.com. We use Discord's OAuth authentication system to allow you to view your personal territorial.io player profile, consisting of the points you have earned in participating clans as well as matches that you have recorded using a compatible game client.

The Discord OAuth system keeps your personal data safe by design. You will be redirected to the secure Discord website for authentication. No passwords, e-mail-addresses or other sensitive data can be accessed by TerritorialHQ.

Sign in with Discord

What data will TTHQ access?

You will grant TerritorialHQ read-only access to:

  • Your public DiscordId
  • Your public username
  • Your public avatar / banner

No other private or senitive data can be accessed.

What is my data used for?

Your username and avatar / banner are used for display purposes on this website only and will not be stored.

Your DiscordId will be used to display data in your personal profile by retrieving your scores from compatible Discord clan bots. If you use a compatible game client, your DiscordId will also be stored alongside the points you gain in matches.

Can I double-check this?

Yes. The code for TerritorialHQ and the connected services is publicly available on GitHub and can be checked by anyone anytime.
