AZURE was founded by Lumii, Clack and Azasi after ZEN had merged into UNION serving as a new home for ZEN players who didn't want to go to UNION.

Unique Features

  • Not so unique points roles
  • Clan storyline unlocked after each five point roles
  • Democratic Polls system
  • Loving community
  • Average server layout
  • Counting game channel
  • Average ad

Clan Community

The community was mostly made up of ZEN members who didn't want to see the community get absorbed into UNION after the ZEN-UNION merge. Most influential people being Lumii, Azasi, Clack, Tozemo, Boss, Acy, Sypix and Fishy.

Clan History

21st of March 2023 : AZURE was founded. It served as a new home for ZEN members who didn't want to join UNION (after ZEN merged into UNION).


At the start it didn't have many players but after a few days, some of the most influential players to be joined like Boss and Acy. 


22nd of March 2023: AZURE also allied to DRG and ISLAM which proved to be really beneficial later on. 


29th of March 2023: Later on a newly created clan by the name of CHAOS merged into AZURE. That same day AZURE hit top 30. 


1st of April 2023: (I just realized it was April fools :sob): Only three days later we hit 0.5 and became top 20. This is now considered as the clan at it's peak. 


2nd of April 2023: The next day they allied 2 other clans, WATER and 1112.


After this activity started dropping although there were a few revives happening over the next couple of weeks. The inactivity was mainly because a lot of the staff were busy with exams and didn't have time for the clan.


DRG in the meantime had merged with ISLAM and SPADES to form ARCTIC and the alliance carried on.


13th of April 2023: DRAGON started Multiaccounting and following with a lot of their allies, they addressed the situation.


16th of April 2023: FANG declared war on their ally, ARCTIC. As tensions with AZURE and FANG were already at an all time high, they decided to join in and help their closest ally.



Finally on the 29th of April 2023: AZURE merges into their biggest ally, ARCTIC. The clan had fallen down really bad and most of the members were inactive. Furthermore, the leaders saw great potential in ARCTIC and wanted to help them out. Lumii eventually ended up devoting a lot to ARCTIC and was governor for a month. Clack went back to his main clan, UNION. Azasi went to X. Tozemo stopped playing the game.

Quick Facts

Clan Tag [AZURE]
Ranking <0 points (<250th place)
Founded 21st of March 2023
Founded by Lumii, Clack, Azasi, Tozemo
Discord Server
Server Info 65 members13 online

Diplomatic Relations





Clan Graph (6 months)

Additional information

Written by @lumii1357 :heart: