"Join the family"

-- Community Server, Official Clan --

What is [CS] ?

:greenarrow:[CS] stands for Community Server
:greenarrow:It is a newly established, neutral gaming clan where all members can engage in collective play, fostering camaraderie and enjoyment
:greenarrow:Weekly, we host a large vocal gathering on this server, open to all who wish to participate under the [CS] tag. 

How can I become a member ?

:greenarrow: Membership in the [CS] clan is open to all, emphasizing equality where no member is superior to another.
:greenarrow: We have established several roles within the clan. While these roles are engaging, they are symbolic and do not confer any special permissions.

Do I need to leave my current clan to play for [CS] ?

:greenarrow: No, all members are free to maintain their original clan affiliations while also participating in [CS]. 

Why has the Community server been converted into a clan server ?

:greenarrow: The Community server has not been converted into a clan server. Rather, the creation of [CS] is an initiative to mitigate conflicts arising from differing clan affiliations, thereby fostering a more harmonious environment for all members.
:greenarrow: The establishment of [CS] aims to enhance server activity and facilitate regular, collective events on a weekly basis. Occasionally, these sessions may include challenges that, when completed, unlock new roles within the clan.

Unique Features

New Voting system with points 

The Field Marshall will be elected with a Unique System. Indeed, all players will be able to vote for the leader with points recolted for the each month. Election each month
So there will be competition within the [CS] clan to see who gets the Field Marshall role and leadership? Political parties, squads and alliances will have to be formed to push certain players towards this rank.

Long term points distribution

After 1-3 month the roles will be distributed between all members with the percentage of the players with the most points.

Recruit - 0 points
Corporal - 100% 
Sergeant - 95%   
Sergeant Major - 90%
Master Sergeant - 85%
Lieutenant - 80%
First Lieutenant - 75%
Chief Lieutenant - 70%
Captain - 50%
Major - 40%
Lieutenant Colonel - 30%
Colonel -10%
Brigadier General - 5%
Commander - 1%

Clan Community


1-3 Month
1 - @Recruit - 0 points 
2 - @Corporal - 100 points 
3 - @Sergeant - 500 points 
4 - @Sergeant Major - 1,000 points 
5 - @Master Sergeant - 2,000 points 
6 - @Lieutenant - 3,000 points 
7 - @First Lieutenant 4,000 points 
8 - @Chief Lieutenant - 5,000 points 
9 - @Captain - 7,500 points 
10 - @Major - 10,000 points 
11 - @Lieutenant Colonel - 20,000 points 
12 - @Colonel - 30,000 points 
13 - @Brigadier General - 40,000 points 
14 - @Commander - 50,000 points

---most games won----

1st - Fleet Admiral
2 nd - Admiral 
3 rd - Vice-Admiral

---most points won----

1 st - General of the Army 
2- nd - General
3 rd - Lieutenant General 

Clan History


Quick Facts

Clan Tag [CS]
Ranking <0 points (<250th place)
Founded August 2023
Founded by admins :))
Discord Server discord.gg/terriserv

Clan Graph (6 months)

Additional information


Medal of Merit :MedalofMerit: Awarded to members with the most points each month    
Medal of honor :MedalofHonor:Choosen by the Field Marhsall
Veteran's medal :MedalVeteran: Awarded to the first 10 soldier with the most points after 1 month


Tactial Skills : Choosen by the Army
Brothers in Arms : Win 50 contests
Champion : Choosen by the Field Marhsall
Conquero r: Win 500 games