"God, Honour, Fatherland (Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna)"

PL is the Polish clan, best national clan, currently 4th on the leaderboard with over 4,5 points. It's a clan for Polish people and everybody else, who likes Poland! :)

PL is the Polish clan, whose core purpose is to unite the Polish community under one tag so that they can enjoy the game together, cooperate in game and head towards a common goal.

Current staff:

  • Owner - Benzema
  • Math Empire rank - Maths Empire, Mak
  • PL leader - Maths Empire, Mak, Kostecki, Hosltkk, Yzuke, Benzema
  • PL Co-leader - Youmetometo
  • High command - naroors
  • Mod - Yonkish, Okorde
  • Helper - Bulldozer, RMS Titanic, Cajop Tempest


  • PL's record in points - 4,911 (achieved on 29.08.2023 at 22:55 CEST)
  • PL's Most Valuable Player - Maths Empire - over 125k points and over 1,4k wins for PL clan!
  • Best 1v1 PL player - Hosltkk - he was TOP3 at his best!

Last updated: 30.08.2023, 02:26 CEST

Unique Features

  • quickly rising clan, currently 4th on the leaderboard
  • the best national clan
  • experienced players who can help you become pro in
  • daily grinds on voice chat (if you can't talk, you can use text-to-speech bot)
  • cool people to talk to about on all topics
  • friendly and nice atmosphere

Clan Community

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of PL members are Poles. However, the clan isn't just limited to Polish people - we also have some players from other countries. We welcome everyone, who likes Poland, regardless of nationality. On our Discord server we allow both Polish and English, with Polish being the main language used on the server. 

Clan History

Last updated: 30.08.2023, 02:26 CEST

Pre-Discord Era (before 2022)

PL Discord server was officially opened on 01.02.2022, however, Polish people had been using [PL] tag in much earlier. It's impossible to tell the exact date when [PL] tag was first used in (which could be considered as the beginning of PL history), but it's certain that on 02.02.2021 there were already players playing under [PL] tag - PL was then 8th strongest clan in the Hall of Fame, with 5 wins.
On 22.08.2021, clan points were added to the game. PL, despite still not having a Discord server, quickly became a TOP clan, entering TOP5 on 23.08.2021 and staying on 5th place for 5 hours. 2 days later, PL left TOP10, coming back on 29.08.2022 and leaving again the next day. At some point of November 2021, PL managed to reach 4th place, which is till today the highest place ever achieved by PL. On 07.12.2021, a new clan points system was introduced. PL started this new age very well - on 07.12.2021, at 17:10 GMT, PL was 9th of the leaderboard. For most of the time, PL kept its TOP10 spot, until 27.12.2021, when it eventually got kicked out for a long time... 

Foundation Era (January 2022 and 01.02.2022) 

Until the end of 2021, PL wasn't an organised clan - it was just a group of random Polish people, putting PL tag in name. However, it started changing in January 2022. In this month, 4 Polish players - Yzuke, Oli, Van Der Kaczy and Kysu got to know each other on the main Discord server. They started playing together and, after some time, came up with an idea to create PL server. The server was officially opened on 01.02.2022 and Kysu became its first owner. This is how PL logo looked like at that time: 


The early days of PL Discord server (01.02.2022 - 27.06.2022) 

When PL Discord server was officially opened, PL was 17th on the leaderboard and had just 5-6 members on the server (apart from founders, also Rzotkiew joined on the first day and maybe also one more player). The beginning was the hardest.
On 19.02.2022, Kysu left PL and joined VOID, passing ownership to Oli. At that moment, PL was still a very small server, with only about 15 members.
Meanwhile, on 20.02.2022, another PL server war created by catto_1 - he didn't know about the original PL server, so he decided to make his own one. However, his server died pretty quickly, while the one owned by oli was growing, slowly, but steadily.
On 10.03.2022, PL came back to TOP10, after 3,5 months of break. However, it dropped quickly out of TOP10, coming back again on 05.04 and immediately dropping out again. PL members didn't get discouraged and came back to TOP10 on 15.04. They dropped out again on 17.04, but immediately came back on 18.04.2022. This was the moment when PL finally stabilised in TOP10 and stayed there was 4,5 months, without a break.

On 14.05.2022, PL got into TOP5, for the first time after points reset! On the same day, PL broke its record in points, reaching 3,611 pts., which was the best PL's score for over a year, until is was finally broken on 09.08.2023.
On 24.05.2022, PL server hit 50 members.
On 12.06.2022 Yzuke set up the Tracker so that clan members could track their wins for PL clan.

New PL logo 

On 05.06.2022, competition for new PL logo had been announced. Out of over a dozen propositions, 2 had been chosen (see images below) and on 13.06.2022 the voting started. The voting conluded on 17.06.2022 - the first logo won and to this day it serves as the official logo of PL clan (however, since 25.08.2023, it has an animated version, which is since then used as the official PL logo).

Middle Age (28.06.2022 - 23.12.2022) 

On 28.06.2022, PL server hit 100 members. On the same day the Tripple Alliance was formed, between ELITE, VOID and PL. However, it didn't last for long - on 10.08.2022 PL broke up with ELITE, claiming that ELITE didn't respect terms of the alliance. 5 days later, VOID followed in PL's footsteps. However, PL and VOID were still allies, even closer than before.

Meanwhile, on 09.07.2022 Maths Empire joined PL server. 1 week later, he started grinding a lot, winning lots of games, which lead to him being promoted to leader on 24.07.2022 - just 15 days after he joined the server! This meant that PL had 2 leaders - Yzuke and Maths Empire. On the same day, Benzema was promoted to co-leader. One month later, he became leader, together with Yzuke and Maths Empire.

PL-VOID cooperation reached its peak point in the second half of September 2022. That was the time of fierce rivalry between OG and VOID for the first place. Core PL players were playing for VOID a lot at that time, helping them in dethroning OG. Later, VOID paid back, helping PL during grinds.

On 29.10.2022 PL allied with LYNX, joining LYNX-SPQR war on their side. After LYNX withdrew from the war on 17.11.2022, PL and LYNX still remained allies.

At the end of October 2022, VOID-PL relations started to deteriorate. This lead to the end of VOID-PL alliance on 14.11.2022.

Age of wars (24.12.2022 - 26.02.2023) 

On 24.12.2022 second LYNX-SPQR war started, PL immediately joined on LYNX's side, while ELITE joined on SPQR's side. Later, KR and MELON also joined on LYNX's side. 3 days later, PL and LYNX officially announced victory.

On 01.01.2023 PL allied with FIN - Finnish clan.

On 12.01.2023, Benzema got “owner” role. He didn't get actual ownership of PL server (oli remained owner), but it made him the most important person in PL clan. Maths Empire was given a special "Math Empire" role, created exclusively for him.

On 14.01.2023 PL declared war on FEAR. KR and AMOGUS joined on PL's side, while NL, NOVA, ISLAM and ZA decided to support FEAR. The war ended 2 days later - because of screenshots showing that some NOVA players had been multitabbing, Benzema decided to end the war, stating that he's "not gonna fight on unfear rules". Maths Empire added that, according to PL, there were no winners in this war.

On 15.01.2023 Yzuke was demoted from leader, because of inactivity in the game.

On 24.01.2023, PL decided to end the alliance with FIN.

On 28.01.2023, ZEN-GOAT war started. PL joined on ZEN's side - their reason was presence of Estonia Ball and Doomsie in GOAT. During the war, GOAT has been rebranded to VENOM. The war ended on 06.02.2023, when Doomsie disbanded his clan.

On 31.01.2023 PL and VOID signed Declaration of Friendship.
On 14.02.2023 PL signed Declaration of Friendship with UA - Ukrainian clan. On the same day, Benzema announced that he quit the game. However, he changed his mind on the next day and came back, declaring war on 1112.

On 20.02.2023 ISLAM-KYIVAN war started - the reason was the fact that ISLAM leader (Haider) wanted to make KYIVAN its vassal clan. UA, PEACE, BHARAT, CZ, CL, LEKSUS and even old PL's enemy, SPQR, decided to join on KYIVAN's side. SPADES, KZA, RUS and TR joined ISLAM's side, however the last one quickly withdrew from the war (making white peace with KYIVAN's side). SUN at first joined ISLAM's side, but on 22.02 switched sides. The war ended on 26.02.2023 with victory of KYIVAN, PL and their allies - Haidar gave up and retired from leader position in ISLAM. On the same day, the PL-1112 war came to an end - 1112 surrendered. 

New Era (27.02.2023 - 04.06.2023)

Despite victories in both wars (with ISLAM and 1112), PL was going through a small crisis at that time. The minimum amount of points required to enter TOP10 became quite high, which led to PL dropping out of TOP10 on 11.02.2023. This was the end of the 8-month period, during which PL was in TOP10 for almost the whole time, with some rare, short breaks (no longer than a week). This time, PL had to wait quite long to come back to TOP10 - until 13.03.2023.

On 24.03.2023, Benzema decided to end PL-UA friendship, arguing that UA members had been betraying him and other PL members in game.

At the end of April, Estonia (aka Dr. E) - SR leader - nuked SPQR and on 01.05.2023 SR declared war on SPQR. PL, in the spirit of condemning any acts of nuking, joined on SPQR's side, same as ARCTIC, X, TR and NORDIC. The war ended just 17 hours later - SR was dissolved, which meant that SPQR's side won.
On 07.05.2023 ISLAM, which was until then a part of ARCTIC, rebelled against them, declaring independence. This led to ARCTIC declaring war on ISLAM. PL and SPQR joined on ARCTIC's side to stop the revolution. The war ended 2 days later, with agreement that ISLAM would no longer fight under ARCTIC’s name; it became a puppet under their domain.

On 18.05.2023, Benzema broke the PL-VOID friendship, claiming that he didn't see any sense to maintain this friendship.

Age of great changes (05.06.2023 - 08.08.2023)

This age started with promotion of MAK to PL leader for his regular activity and carrying the clan in the times of small activity on the server. At the same time, Benzema stopped playing the game - however, he was still active on the server, but not as much as before. On 16.06.2023 kostecki was promoted to PL leader. On 14.07.2023 MAK was given "Math Empire" role, which had been before an exclusive role for Maths Empire. This led to the new situation, where PL clan has been basicly led by Maths Empire and MAK. During this period, they have made some important changes on PL server. Firstly, a staff voting channel was created. The important decisions were no longer solely made by the leader (as it had been in the previous eras), but by the whole staff. Secondly, MAK enabled community on PL server. Thirdly, on 01.08.2023, the bot counting wins was changed for Territorial Point System and, 3 days later, the reward system was changed to be focused on points, rather than on wins as it was before.

Now let's look at what has happened in this age, apart from changes on the server.

On 10.06.2023 and 11.06.2023 a clan competition event took place - each clan could earn 1 point for winning a normal game on Europe, black arena or snow map, and 2 points for a victory in contest on one of those maps. PL scored high, 4th place in this event.

On 12.06.2023 PL allied with LYNX, shortly after LYNX had been revived. However, it never regained its former glory - by the end of July, LYNX was pretty much dead, which meant the end of PL-LYNX alliance.

Summer 2023 Event (14.07 - 08.08)

From 14.07.2023 to 08.08.2023 the Summer 2023 event took place on PL server. This event, organised by MAK, greatly boosted activity on PL server. The rules were simple - everyone, who scored at least 750 points during this time period, received a special role - “Summer23”. Moreover, TOP3 of the event got “Event Master” role and the winner got “Summer23 Winner” role. The event was won by Maths Empire (6313 points), Naroors was 2nd (6083 points) and Yonkish was 3rd (4140 points). The basic goal - scoring 750+ points - was also achieved by: Artie92, Overthinking, Vovchik, RMS Titanic (aka Śliwka), Gustav, Kostecki, Youmetometo, McDeath, Bulldozer, End, GG Empire, okorde, Kocur and MAK.

From 20.07.2023 to 25.07.2023, r/place event on Reddit was taking place. PL clan decided to partner with Polish r/place server and help them create Polish flags, symbols, history etc. Thx to this cooperation, on 25.07.2023 PL server hit 500 members.

On 29.07.2023 PL hit 3 points, for the first time in 2023.

On 01.08.2023 ISLAM declared war on PL, with the aim of achieving 3 points, while PL's goal was to reach 4,2 pts. Just about 2 hours after, PL, TR and UA announced that they formed Nations Pact, whose main aim was to support each other in case of war. This led to TR and UA joining the war against ISLAM. Also ARCTIC and PALAU declared war on ISLAM. The pressure of PL and its allies led to ISLAM withdrawing from the war the next day and apologising for declaring it.

On 04.08.2023 ARCTIC-PL alliance was formed - the terms included cooperating in game and helping each other in defensive wars.

On 05.08.2023, PL hit 3,5 points, for the first time in 2023!
On the same day, PL decided to help TR in their war against TREE (which had been declared 2 days earlier). Apart from PL, also UA, ELITE and COSMOG decided to join TR's side, while ISLAM and RU joined on TREE's side. The war ended on 08.08.2023, with white peace.

On 08.08.2023, United Clans pact was announced  - their members became TR, PL, ARCTIC and UA. Its main goal is helping each other in defensive wars. Members of the pact stated that its open to new members.

Golden Age (09.08.2023 - now)

Let's hope, this age never ends…

This era starts on 09.08.2023 which was a historical breakthrough for PL clan. That day, on 21:04 CEST, PL broke its record in points, achieving 3,612 pts. - so far, the record had been 3,611, which had been achieved on 14.05.2022 and remained unbeaten for almost 15 months! On the same day, just before midnight, PL managed to climb to 3,65 pts. On the next day, PL managed to break 3,7 barrier and on 11.08.2023 at 18:35 CEST (during the joint grind with ARCTIC) PL achieved 3,8 pts, setting a new record… which survived for just 5 days.

On 16.08, 17.08 and 18.08 PL organized 3 joint grind with UA. They proved to be greatly successful. Just before the first grind, PL managed to get to 3,81 pts, breaking the record once again. However, those 3 joint grinds pushed PL even further - on the first day, PL achieved 3,95 pts. and 6th place (passing FR), on the second day - 4,25 pts. (breaking the barrier of 4 points for the first time ever!!!) and after the 3rd joint grind, just after midnight on 19.08.2023, PL set its new record at 4,5121 points. What's more, on 18.08.2023, PL passed TR, becoming the best national clan in the game and equaling its best place after the points reset. Unfortunately, TR passed PL again on the next day, so PL fell back to 6th place.

On 20.08.2023 the clan chess tournament was held. PL - despite initial difficulties with finding members to the team - signed up for the tournament and sensationally took third place! PL was represented by: Artie92, PunchboxNET, Vovchik, Maths Empire and a baka xD#5786 [the last one isn't a PL member, he joined the team so that PL could have 5 players]. The tournament was won by OG, while X took 2nd place. Full results of the tournament can be found here:

On 24.08.2023, PL passed UNION, coming back to TOP5.

On 25.08.2023 PL got an animated version of its logo, which has been set as the new PL server icon:
On the same day, Hosltkk reached TOP3 in 1v1 ranking, becoming the first Pole (and first PL member) in the history of who did it!

27.08.2023 was a historical day for PL clan. At 22:27 CEST, during the 8,5-hour grind, PL passed TR, reaching TOP4 - for the first time after points reset and for the first time in the history of PL server!!! It also meant that PL again became the best national clan in For the next 1,5 hours PL and TR have been constantly switching places, but just before the midnight, PL finally gained the upper hand. When the grind ended at 01:24 CEST, PL had 4,612 pts. (new record) and 0,08 points of advantage over TR. PL continued the growth and on 29.08.2023 at 22:55 CEST reached as many as 4,911 pts., which is the current PL record.

Quick Facts

Clan Tag [PL]
Ranking 9.65 points (7th place)
Founded 01.02.2022 (Discord server - the clan existed long before, but it was just comprised of randoms)
Founded by Kysu, Oli, Yzuke, Van Der Kaczy
Discord Server
Server Info 1255 members146 online

Diplomatic Relations


[TR] [UA]







Clan Graph (6 months)

Additional information

  • PL Discord server was officially opened on 01.02.2022, however there is evidence that [PL] tag was already used in game as early as on 02.02.2021 -  PL was then 8th strongest clan in the Hall of Fame (source: )
  • PL is a member of United Clans pact, with TR, ARCTIC and UA. Its goal is to help each other in defensive wars.
  • PL is also a member of Nations Pact - with TR and UA. Like for the United Clans pact, its aim is helping each other in defensive wars, as well as developing relations between national clans.
  • Maths Empire was TTV owner for half a year, nowadays he's an advisor (TTV stand for The Territorial TV - the biggest news station in community). Mak also contributed a lot to the development of TTV - he was Chief of Translators for a few months.
  • Another interesting thing worth mentioning (but not widely know in the Community) is a roleplay game called “Age of Tensions” and “United Polish Alliance”, which existed in that game in season 0 and 1, as well as event called “Age of Colonialism”, which took place between season 0 and 1. That game was run by Kyivan Rus on his Discord server, with help from his staff, including PL members like Maths Empire, Mak, Simgen and Gar. The aforementioned people, Synthom and a few other PL members decided to found “United Polish Alliance” (abbreviated as UPA). It was founded on 23.01.2023, before the start of season 0, and lasted till the end of season 1. UPA was a major force, both in season 0 and 1. In season 0 (26.01 - 12.02) it had about 70% of the map at its peak - unfortunately, it had been eventually defeated by TheAngel at the end of the season. However, Poles fought bravely till the end and didn't get discouraged even after its end - UPA was one of 2 alliances from season 0 to survive till season 1.
    During Age of Colonialism (AOC) (22.02 - 07.03), UPA completely dominated the map, with Gar (roleplaying as Polonia) being declared the winner.
    In season 1 (13.04 - 12.05), Maths Empire (roleplaying as Kingdom of Poland) shared victory with Slydavia.