"To the moon!"

OG is one of the oldest, most unique, and most dominant clans in Territorial history, being a constant top 3 presence since February 2022.

With the largest territorial clan discord server, active and helpful staff, monthly leader elections and constant fun VC events and grinds you will never find yourself bored in OG. It is also home to many of the top players in the game who can share the best strategies and tips to make you a great player as well! Join Today!

Unique Features

OG is the only clan to have its own competing teams inside of the clan called “Cults” OG is also the only clan to have its own “win log” in its discord server, a feature only the Community server has. OG also has the best in depth tutorials and best trainers which can teach you the game in our unique “Territorial School” something no other clan in Territorial can offer.

Clan Community

OG is currently the oldest clan in the top 10 with an active and inviting community of experienced players. The OG Discord server is also the biggest Territorial clan server with over 2,700 members. OG invites all new players who want to participate in fun VC events and learn the game. Even if you do not have a mic or are not comfortable talking in VC OG has plenty of members who are happy to use our many text channels to communicate during grinds.

Clan History

OG was founded by Craggy_match, Husky Maya, and Dr. Pi on December 29th 2021, following the merge of the 3 top 10 clans [ACM] [GS] and [RIM] The point of the merge was too compete with [ELITE] which at the time dominated the game being 10+ points above second place.

OG's history can best be divided into 5 main sections:

The Early Days: January 2022-April 2022
Peak OG: May 2022-September 2022
Dark Ages: October/November 2022
Revival Age: December 2022/January 2023
Current Age: February 2023-Now (August 2023)


In the early days Russel & Hanma & Paper kept the clan afloat.

Russel, Hanma, Paper, and Craggy all climbed to top 20 1v1 LB spots, as ELITE had 20 points and OG had between 4-8 points during this age. OG developed a reputation of being strong players, as groups of 4/5 people would win contests against the massive ELITE and GRAVE teams of 20+ people.

As January went on the clan grew stronger and stronger starting to close the large gap between OG and ELITE.

On Feb. 1, 2022 ELITE declared war on OG. OG answered this by creating the The First Coalition (TFC) - an alliance between OG, KB, TR, SOLO, ACE and PC where all members declared war on ELITE. However, the treaty fell of after some time, and OG continued the fight alone!

During early February TITAN, who were an ally to ELITE battled OG for 3rd place, (During this time 1st and 2nd often switched between ELITE and GRAVE) In mid February TITAN decided to overtake OG by any means, and started an unfair gameplay, known as order 66 which consisted of a massive multi accounting scandal set up by the high ranks of TITAN. After this was exposed TITAN disbanded making OG the uncontested 3rd place clan in February 2022, since then OG has NEVER fallen of out top 3. Soon after ex-TITAN members went on to create VOID.

On Feb. 15 2022, one of the OG admins - Sypix created his own clan: RS.
After only few weeks, RS merged back into OG on March 3rd, 2022. This merged proved to be exactly what OG needed, nearly 300 new members joined OG from this merge including notable players like Solo, Sypix, Crimson, Hyperion and others. The first OG election was also held on March 1st 2022, Paper won the election comfortably and was OG's first elected Fleet Admiral.

The day after the merge on March 4th, 2022 OG took 1st place for the first time in its history. Between March and April 2022 1st place exchanged many times between OG and ELITE, making their war as heated as ever. 
On March 13th some old RS players, including Sypix, were unhappy with the merge and once again left OG to create a new clan, ROYAL. However former RS co-leader Solo did not leave OG and when ROYAL allied ELITE (who OG was still at war with) on March 18th, OG declared war on Royal. 

The war was led mostly by Paper and Solo, who were Fleet Admiral and Co-Leader respectively. By March 28th, only 10 days after the war declaration, ROYAL surrendered being pushed from 6 points all the way to 2 points by OG's might. This same day OG also hit 18.2 points, our highest at the time. ROYAL soon after their surrender disbanded, leaving ELITE once again, with no allies. March 2022 was also the first month which OG officially added a point system with a monthly leaderboard, Admiral VladimirPutsOut was the first ever season point winner for OG.

On April 1st 2022, Paper was re-elected as Fleet Admiral of OG. On April 6th however, Co-Leader Solo who was unhappy with decisions made by Paper left the clan and created the clan SL, taking many OG members with him. This weakened OG for sometime and allowed ELITE to retake first for a few weeks. On May 1st 2022 Paper was once again elected Fleet Admiral and OG did recover from the SL split and on May 13th 2022 OG took first back from ELITE. 


Between May 13th and September 19th 2022 OG was the undisputed first place clan, although tensions were still high during the Summer of 2022 between OG and ELITE, they never again passed OG for 1st place. 
June 1st 2022 long time Admiral Briqz is elected Fleet Admiral, marking the first time someone who wasn't Paper won the election. During June OG declined slightly going from 15 points to 13 and nearly loosing 1st place to ELITE and VOID who both had around 12.5 points at the time.

July 1st 2022, Paper is elected Fleet Admiral of OG and extended OG's lead by 4 points getting back to 16.5 while ELITE stayed at 12 and VOID fell to 8. 
July 2022 also saw the emergence of the “High Five" alliance consisting of the clans RL, DTS, UNION, TR, and OG. On July 14th a clan in the alliance, DTS which was a relatively small clan merged into OG. However DTS consisted of many skilled ex-ELITE members such as Team who had left ELITE the month prior. This merged further increased the gap between OG who held first and ELITE who held second. The alliance dominated the game during July and it was decided mutually in August the alliance would be ended, however all clans kept friendly relations. Fleet Admiral Paper also convinced ex Co-Leader Solo to return in late July however long time Admirals Russel, Hanma, and VladimirPutsOut as well as Vice Admiral Briqz all retired around the same time.

August 1st 2022, Paper is once again elected Fleet Admiral of OG and on August 8th 2022, OG hit its highest point count ever hitting 19 points, a feat only 4 clans (ELITE, GRAVE, OG, CORGI) have accomplished since the leaderboard reset in December 2021. However soon after this great accomplishment a wave of retirements hit OG including Admirals Naeem and Sakha, Vice Admiral Lyaxx and at the end of August, 5 time Fleet Admiral Paper retired.

September 1st 2022, Solo is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. On September 14th Solo and Czar (Leader of ELITE) negotiated the end of the OG-ELITE war after 8 months of nonstop war. ELITE at this point had fallen to 5th place at around 6 points and was no longer the main competitor to OG. OG's new competition was the controversial clan, VOID. Despite all the retirements OG kept 1st place for most of the month but when Summer ended it proved catastrophic for OG. Fleet Admiral Solo left on September 18th and Admiral Kees was selected to be the Interim Fleet Admiral for the rest of the month. The next day VOID passed OG for the 1st place spot.


October 1st 2022, Kees is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. During October OG dropped to 3rd place with their lowest point count being 6.4, the lowest the clan had been since January. However new capable staff members stepped up in OG most notably, Kees, Novo, Rahul, Deluxe, and Scarl. Recruitment and keeping top 3 was the main focus of this period as OG tried to maintain its historic spot on the leaderboard as well as begin building up for a revival. 

November 1st 2022, Deluxe is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. Novo was also elected by the staff to be Co-Leader- a spot left empty after the many retirements of August and September. Due to Fleet Admiral Deluxe's efforts in grinding as well as Kees and Rahul's recruiting efforts OG was kept in the top 3 during this month and even pushed back to 12 points and second place , behind DREW. However on November 13th Fleet Admiral Deluxe was impeached because of a toxicity scandal the likes of which the community had never seen. Rahul was selected to be the Interim Fleet Admiral for the rest of the month but many OG members left due to this scandal and OG fell back into 3rd with  7.7 points. However this fall was not permanent and in the next month OG began the biggest grind the community had ever seen…


December 1st 2022, Rahul is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. At the time of his election OG sat at 3rd place with around 8 points. However on December 7th the revival began. A massive event was hosted led by Grand Admiral Kees, along with the help of Novo, Rahul, sdsd, Frozen, and Deluxe. This grind was like nothing the community had ever seen and in just 2 days OG went from 3rd place with 8.3 points to first place with 11.1 points. However the revival did not stop there. By December 13th OG hit 15 points with a 6 point lead over second place. OG held first for the remainder of December stabilizing at around 13 points, still 4 points ahead of second place VOID who had 9. On December 29th 2022 OG celebrated 1 year of existence. A large grind was scheduled and many OG veterans returned for it, most notably: Paper, Russel, Hanma, Solo, Sakha, Vlad, Briqz, and many many more.
This grind pushed OG to 14.5 points as VOID fell to 7.5. Making the gap between first and second an entire 7 points.

January 1st 2023, Kees is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. Under his leadership the revival continued and OG hit 17.1 points on two separate occasions during the month. Including a massive 10  point lead over second place VOID on January 5th. However similarly to Solo in September, Kees left OG and his Fleet Admiral position on January 15th due to many staff going inactive and others betraying OG to form another clan. However his leaving caused many veterans to rejoin OG. Paper rejoined and was appointed Interim Fleet for the rest of January. Solo rejoined and was given his old position of Co-Leader. Russel rejoined and was given Grand Admiral. And lastly Briqz rejoined and was given Vice Admiral. OG still slightly fell during this time to around 13.5 points and a sudden push from VOID propelled them to first place with 14 points on January 21st. However by January 29th OG retook first place with 15.2 points with VOID in second at 13.5 points. Its also important to note during this time DREW clan sat at 3rd place with only 5.4 points, making OG and VOID the sole superpowers of Territorial.


February 1st 2023, Empire is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. For the first 8 days of his term OG was first place with around 14-13 points however February 9th VOID overtook OG for first place and OG began to quickly drop in points for multiple different reasons. February was not a low activity month in OG however OG branched into many other games temporarily under Fleet Admiral Empire including Minecraft, stumble guys, many different .io games. February also saw OG host a large 2v2 territorial tournament and the introduction of Cult leaderboards. On February 28th OG fell to 3rd place with 7.8 points and OG members were ready to push back up to first again.

March 1st 2023, Villor is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. Villor promised to get OG back into first and quickly a mini-revival began in OG. OG quickly rose back up in points hitting 10 points on March 6th and retaking 2nd that same day. By March 10th OG hit 13 points and took first place back. The rest of march was a three way battle between OG, VOID, and UNION for first place. By March 31st OG won the battle having 13.4 points and being 2 full points above UNION who sat in second place. OG also made many diplomatic moves in March, allying their old rival ELITE as well as allying SPQR.

April 1st 2023, Geordie Land is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. April was a quiet month for OG mostly focused on internal changes, discord server organization and recruiting. OG stayed in first place for the first 13 days before falling to 2nd on the 14th of April with 12.8 points. OG would not take back first until September 1st. Towards the end of the month exam season started and OG slowly dropped in points falling to 3rd on April 19th and hitting a low of 7.7 on April 30th. The ELITE alliance also ended after less than a month due to ELITE not feeling they benefited from the alliance.

May 1st 2023, Rayan is elected Fleet Admiral of OG. To be continued…


Quick Facts

Clan Tag [OG]
Ranking 25.92 points (2nd place)
Founded December 29, 2021
Founded by Craggy_match, Dr.Pi, Husky_Maya
Discord Server https://discord.gg/joinog
Server Info 3393 members313 online

Diplomatic Relations


[TR] [X]



Clan Graph (6 months)