
LYNX is a small community of highly skilled 1v1 and team game players of no more than 20 players. The server is fairly standard for clans, apart from some feline themed channels, roles and emotes. Notable members include Mellow, Biffeur, Neutronian and later Merci, Harsh and Dohnut.

Clan Community

  • The clan has been open for anyone to join, but has mainly attracted highly skilled players from the generally high standard member base, anyone who wishes to join should look to the X server.
    There have been no minimum requirement of experience, 1v1 elo or points grinded per month. 
    Nuclear members regularly give newer members advice and lessons during vcs.

Clan History

(Early September 2022) 

It all started as a fairly small group. Mellow and Ferrox wanted a clan that was chill and not points-based but rather a place to have fun. Biffeur and Neutronian were invited. It was at this point Lynx was starting to emerge. However, this also happened to be the time when Ferrox left the clan to revive his lost dream DARK, leaving Biffeur, Neutronian and Mellow with a great foundation. They slowly built up the clan and invited people they knew. Some notable members include Zapmonkey, Harsh, Ragertyp (now known as Oboneo), Stiko and Schmerz. At this point, the clan was meant to be private clan for pros. The clan started to gain huge traction and was 15th place even before going public. 

(Late September 2022) 

Here LYNX started to slow down significantly and the idea of going public was proposed. This was largely accomplished by Biffeur as well as the help of a few other people such as Mellow and Harsh. It was then announced that the clan would be made public in early October. 

(Early October 2022) 

On the 4th, LYNX was mad public and this was a pretty significant moment in the community due to the three founders having strong links with many powerful people. From here, LYNX hit top 10 for the first time and it was the start of a new era. 

(Late October 2022) 

Due to lack of interest and just overall negativity from the community, Neutronian decides to leave the game. This had a huge impact on LYNX with many members losing a great friend and leader. However, points-wise, the clan stays relatively stable in the top 10. Harsh replaces Neutronian and becomes leader. The clan then is subjected to toxicity from SPQR which leads Biffeur declaring the first LYNX-SPQR war. The first few days saw LYNX push to a peak of 6th position whilst SPQR started falling to around 20th place. At this point, the leaders of both clans were negotiating the surrender of SPQR but this would never come to life. In the coming days, LYNX would be brought back to 10th place and SPQR would rise to 11th. Both clans claimed victory. It is safe to say that this war was indecisive. A fun fact is that this was one of Territorial's biggest wars with major clans such as PL joining and the biggest clans at the time such as ELITE, VOID, OG and UNION considering which side they would choose if they were to join the war. 

(November 2022)

After the first LYNX-SPQR war and Neutronian's absence, the clan started to fall. At one point the clan was at an all time low at the position of 19. Mellow and Biffeur were wondering what to do with the clan. After a vote, leadership was passed on to Harsh, Merci and Troll with Mellow and Biffeur leaving the clan. The clan started to rise back into the top 15, stabilizing at around 1 point with a nuclear player base of just 5 people.

(Early December 2022)

This remained until SQPR declared the 2nd war against LYNX, inspiring many of our older members to come back and attracting newer members, eager to get involved in the drama. The result of the declaration brought in PL fighting with LYNX, and ELITE fighting with SPQR. In less than 24 hours, two of SPQR's war goals were crushed and following such was a period of domination on the battlefield, seeing ELITE fall to the 2nd page of the leaderboard for the first time in years. LYNX declared victory on the 27th of December, spqr failing all of its wargoals. In mid-late December, our clan score jumps from a little less than one point to ~2.7, overtaking CORGI to become the 7th place clan.

(Late December 2022)

In the background, Harsh created an alt and infiltrated the SPQR server, working up to being promoted to a base admin role, enough for himself and to give other alt accounts permission to nuke the spqr server. The nuke was commited on the 30th of December which was succesful, if not for Merci admitting to TheAngel all the details of the nuke beliving Angel to be in good faith. He subsequently leaked the story, publicising the event to the whole community. On the same day, Merci left the community, not coming back for another 5 months and Harsh denies the evidence was true. following the drama the clan crashes in points and becomes inactive, with harsh starting a new clan project which after a few merges eventually ended up merging into union. 

(June 2023)

The clan goes inactive for 4 months until June, when a few moderators, notably Fynx and Mellow finding the archive of the clan server, attempted to revive the clan, spiking to 1 point before dropping off.

(August 2023)

LYNX and X have agreed that the LYNX legacy would only survive if LYNX merges into X. The proceedings of this merge are still developing, a new party LYNX would be created. LYNX and X had a good friendship, notably Merci hosting multiple of X's grinds.

Quick Facts

Clan Tag [LYNX]
Ranking <0 points (<250th place)
Founded 4/10/2022 - D/MM/YYYY
Founded by Mellow, Neutronian and Biffeur
Discord Server
Server Info 130 members16 online

Diplomatic Relations





Clan Graph (6 months)

Additional information

  • The influence of LYNX onto the community is fairly small, with Biffuer holding onto his staff roles in main server he had during his time at FR and Merci and Harsh holding staff positions for short periods of time. 
    The biggest influence would be on the 1v1 leaderboard, where many main and alt accounts of LYNX tagged members dominated the leaderboard over the course of the clan's existence.